What is SailPass
SailPass is a means by which a non-member can go sailing at GBYC – it’s a form of introductory or short term membership (for a day); a simple way to get more people having fun in boats at GBYC and breaks down lots of barriers to sailing.
- This allows first time sailors and experienced sailors who are new to GBYC to experience sailing at GBYC for (3) separate dates ONLY, as a temporary member of GBYC.
- There is NO charge for a SailPass membership but should you wish to continue sailing on a regular basis, you will be required to upgrade to a full membership and pay the required fee.
- Once registered, you will be issued with an AS Number (Membership No), which will enable you to update your personal details.
- If you require a SAILPASS, please click on the NEW MEMBER button below, then select SailPASS Membership. Select membership type "SailPASS (New Members only)" and click on button "Next Step".
- Select up to a maximum of 3 dates, fill out a few more details and accept terms and conditions. Then you are ready to go!
- If you have used your 3 dates for the SAILPASS or used a SAILPASS last year and wish to casually crew - please sign up as a casual crew membership and then choose the dates you wish to sail.
Why do you need SailPass
- It will provide you with an active AS Number to participate in any GBYC scheduled races, even if it is just for a day. You must provide your skipper with your AS number to complete a competing boats nomination prior to the start of a race.
- All skippers and crew on boats competing in a GBYC race must have an active AS number or the boat will be disqualified.
- Allows you to be covered against any injury sustained during a GBYC Sailing Race & addresses the Australian Sailing racing rules & personal insurance
- Our Club knows who is on the water during an event
- Improves GBYC’s safety and risk management
Need SailPASS? - Click HERE and select NEW MEMBER
The GBYC Race Committee thankyou for participating and helping make sailing a safe sport for everyone