GBYC Discover Sailing Day


Sat 17 Dec 2022 09:00 — 12:00
Australian Sailing - 1. Discover Sailing Experience - Dinghy

Course information

Registrations for this course are closed.

Come along to GBYC and give sailing a go.

The event is free.

Sailing is a fun, safe, accessible and affordable sport that welcomes participation from people of all backgrounds, ages and abilities. There are many different ways to get started in sailing through Discover Sailing and a range of opportunities for you to continue sailing at clubs as you develop your skills, experience and confidence.

You don’t need to own a boat to enjoy sailing. We can provide boats and we have boat owners looking for crew. You don’t need to be a member to get started in sailing because all the Discover Sailing Programs are accessible for people who are not members of clubs.

Bring along:

  • Hat
  • Water Bottle
  • Sunscreen
  • Towel
  • Lunch
  • Change of Clothes

Experience Overview

This course is for participants keen to experience what dinghy sailing is about.

Course Prerequisites

Water confident.

Who should do this course?

This is the perfect 'taster' for anyone who wants to discover sailing for the first time. This is the perfect introduction and can be the ideal way for you to begin your sailing journey, without having to commit to a full training course.

Course Outcome

Following the course, you will receive a completion certificate.


We recognise that some of our course participants are completing the Duke of Edinburgh's International Award and may be using sailing and/or club membership to complete one or more sections of The Award. To learn more, click here

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